Sanctified Yoga

This practice could be thought of as “meditative movement,” or “inspired exercise” as the intention of the practice is to move the body through positions that focus breathing and effort on the One in whom “we live and breathe and have our being.” (Acts 17:28)

“Yoga,” in Sanskrit meaning “yoke,” aims to yoke (or integrate) the breath to the movement of the body. In Sanctified Yoga, we move through the breath acknowledging that every good thing, indeed, life itself, was created by God and for His glory. By God, our lives were breathed (literally, inspired) into being. And so, the postures practiced are those that allow the student to exalt God, find quiet in Him, or strike a posture of humble submission to our triune God and His good purposes.

Very often in Sanctified Yoga, the instructor will invite a prayerful intention for the practice. This could be simply, “Jesus,” or “gratitude,” or “hope.” These intentions are dedicated to God in prayer and the movement keeps recentering the mind and breath on that prayer taken to God. In addition, the instructor will often speak Scripture over those gathered to direct attention on the inspired words of God given to us in the Bible.

All of the practice of Sanctified Yoga is intended to help the student take care of his/her body and practice the presence of God.