Eating Mindfully.

Food Coma.

Those two words (food + coma) should never relate to each other or be used together.

Food that nourishes us, gives us energy and, at a basic level, life. And Coma which is defined as “a state of deep unconsciousness that lasts for a prolonged or indefinite period, caused especially by severe injury or illness.”

Yet we know that this time of year, we often start hearing those two words together to describe a state of being after a wonderful time with family and friends, celebrating and enjoying this festive time of year!

If we practice listening to our bodies now, we can avoid the dreaded “food coma” later.

If we can immerse into our bodily sensations with so much love and attention, we may never be called to eat in a way that induces the feeling of a “coma.”

If we can settle into an intimate conversation with our belly now, we can choose to fill it with goodness and stop when we are comfortably full later.

If we can practice honoring our bodies in the same way we honor a sanctuary, listening to our bodies as we would listen to a best friend telling us an honest story and trusting our bodies as our true north - how we choose to feed them, could change dramatically. And food coma would no longer be a “thing.”

Every time you get on your mat, you are cultivating and building the intimate conversation!

Every intentional breath in is an act of love moving you in a direction where “food coma” is foreign. Every downdog brings you closer to a state of energized aliveness, expansive presence and a conscious awareness of this body we get to live in!

Get to your mat, breathe and move, and avoid “food coma” as the holidays approach!

Eating mindfully is a practice you can move towards as you flow through your vinyasa practice on the mat.

Your body loves you! It does not love food coma.

Big love,



Palo Santo.


Hello Bliss!