The Best.

Our minds sometimes want to glorify and romanticize the past.

“Remember that time when everything was good?”

Our thoughts easily drift to a memory of everything being so great.

“Remember when it was simple?”

It’s an easy exit out of the moment. An escape route when the outside pressures mount and the inner terrain feels rocky.

“I wish I could go back…”

These are things that happen for me at least. I always convince myself that if it’s happening for me, it is probably happening for others - because I know from intuition and experience, that we are not as different on the inside as we sometimes convince ourselves.

In the loneliest moments, this is a good thing to remember.

We get to the end of the thought of the past and feel empty and sad. Faced with the current struggle, which is usually what sends us into the romanticized version of the past, we can feel paralyzed.

These are the exact moments that we need our mat, we need to breathe ourselves out of trying to go backwards.

We need to move ourselves - our muscles, our bones, our lungs, etc - out of the stuck-ness and into the expansive nature of possibility. Yoga does an endless amount of good for us, but one thing is for certain, it moves us into expansiveness. Breathing and moving provokes the tactile feeling of expansion.

In those moments of stretching past the paralyzing feeling of being stuck and into reaching into possibility, these words land in my head and heart, “the best is yet to come”.

My mind says, what if this is true? And as I take the next breath in, I embrace the feeling of it in my bones, in my belly, in my blood.

Yes, the best is yet to come. It becomes my mantra as I breathe and move.

Try it. There is some powerful energy behind those words. They have fire to them - the fire of transformation. The words, “the best is yet to come” hold the fire for change in this moment.

Let’s go light a fire and trust that the best is yet to come!

Big love,


Return to your Body.


Feeling Thanks.