generous now.

Yoga is like like an invitation into the generous now.

There is a beautiful transition that takes place when we begin to breathe and become aware of our bodies.

We lie down in savasana and feel the ground beneath us. We spread our arms wide and take our feet to the corners of our mat. We feel the ground rise up to meet us where we are in that moment. And we take that first conscious breath in and feel our lungs inflate as our chest and belly rise. And then we follow the exhale all the way out and our body sinks into the mat.

There is a new awareness of our skin, tissues, muscles and bones. Suddenly, impossibly, miraculously, we stop thinking the thoughts, the worry ceases, and for a moment or many, we arrive. The moment of all moments. The one that is the generous now.

You can have the experience above almost anywhere today. Unroll your mat at home or with us in the studio. You can even skip the mat and lay down on the bare ground of your home or office.

Find the generous now. It is waiting on you.

Big love + happy Friday,


hello again.


have been.