curiosity + serotonin.

This post has been recycled from an older post. I added some fresh thoughts, but the ideas are valuable enough to revisit :)


To me, curiosity is being open to new ideas, listening to the ideas of others, reading books, articles, blogs, having engaging conversations with people I respect and admire, and mostly doing the work of inner study.

And, remembering what I already knew, but got too busy, distracted or stuck to remember.

Not long ago, I learned something new from a good friend that is worth sharing with you: Over 90% of serotonin is produced in our gut! Whoa.

Most of you know that serotonin is the key hormone that stabilizes our mood, feelings of well-being, and happiness as well as impacting our entire being related to sleeping, digestion and overall feelings of vitality.

What you may not have known, like me, is that while there are many factors that help in serotonin production, good gut health is a big one.

We know that yoga (breathing, moving, arms over the head, elevating heart rate, bending, stretching, etc.), helps with serotonin production.

With this new information, we can be aware that what we consume (eat, drink) is an important factor in raising serotonin production by fostering better gut health. As we can guess, the best foods for our belly are whole, all-natural, unprocessed foods - specifically foods like: nuts, seeds, eggs, pineapple, salmon and turkey to list a few.

The Experience begins this coming Monday (it’s not too late to register) and is a great time to improve your gut health and increase levels of serotonin in your body - helping to elevate your state and increase your vitality!

If you are curious about the gut/serotonin relationship, here is a great article.

Maybe you are not quite ready to try The Experience but you are curious about this idea? Just try your own experiment of eating unprocessed foods for a day or 2 and notice if you feel better 😊.

Big love,


Dear bestie.


Return to your Body.