Brenda Evans

Certified & Registered Yoga Teacher

I think that everyone has his or her own version of a “coming to yoga” story. And while each one is deeply personal, they all have a common thread: we come to this practice in hope to find ease. Whether that is ease in the body, mind, or spirit -- we come to alleviate some level of suffering. After dabbling in yoga on and off since I was young (thanks to VHS tapes), I began a steady practice after graduating college, which was right when I needed it most.

When I went through my first teacher training, at what was then Johnny Kest’s LifePower Yoga in Minnesota, I had no intention of ever teaching a single class. I was very much afraid of my own voice and still a little lost. However, I was eager to learn more about this practice that had helped me to shift of my perspective and shift my habits. I eventually realized that I needed to face my fears in order to become more confident in myself. Two 200-hour YTT’s later, it still took a lot of strong encouragement on the part of my mentor for me to give teaching a shot.

It took some time, but I eventually fell head over heels for teaching. I have run the gamut from teaching invigorating power classes packed full of mats to teaching trauma informed sessions at eating disorder facilities, and I love it all. Having the opportunity to give someone the tools that they need to find ease within themselves is a humbling experience, whatever format it comes from. I approach each class with the goal of empowering students to light their own spark and become more true to themselves.

Why yoga? It meets you wherever you are and does not judge. For me, it brings a sense of peace and clarity that nothing else can.

What makes you come alive? Great music, especially if it is live

3 words to describe your teaching style: Breath-centric, supportive and fluid

Life before yoga: Shaky and full of doubt

Life After yoga: Confident and clearer

Secret pleasure: It's not much of a secret, but I would much prefer to snuggle up on the couch than go out on the town.

What is in your backpack: Two lip balms, my phone, a pen, stray bobby pins, wallet, key card, City Dogs Cleveland business cards, essential oil inhaler stick, and hand sanitizer

What impact do you want to leave on the world: If I could inspire others to be more compassionate - especially when it feels the most difficult to do so - that would be wonderful.

If you had 4 legs & you were furry, what would you be? I couldn't think of anything, so I asked my mom (because who else knows you better?) and she said a fox. 😂

You are stuck on an island and can bring 3 things. What would they be?  A radio, a hammock, and I would definitely try to bring my dog

Facebook: Brenda Evans Yoga

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