Claire Kaufman

Certified & Registered Yoga Teacher

My journey began in the Colorado mountains where I took my first yoga class, on vacation, under the trees. Wow, I felt so alive and was hooked! Not long after, I found Inner Bliss, my yoga home where I have been able to deepen my practice in a supportive atmosphere.

I've learned so much about myself through my practice and it has truly enriched my life in so many ways. Physically, I'm a different person. Spiritually, I feel closer to God and emotionally I'm a work in progress and enjoying the trip.

I completed my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training at T.R.Y.4 Life and have enjoyed teaching in homes and at health clubs but love the energy at IBY where I feel honored to be part of the teaching family. As a teacher, I hope to lovingly enrich and support your own practice and encourage you to keep coming back to your mat where you can challenge yourself to grow

Why yoga? Because I enjoy the “break” from the business, the peace it brings to my mind and body from being in the moment. All of the benefits breath, movement and positive messaging create in the body/mind. I used to dread working out, now I can’t wait to practice!!

What makes you come alive? Having heart to heart conversations ❤️

3 words to describe your teaching style? Warm, grounding and soulful

Life before yoga? Less peaceful

Life after yoga? Now I know how to take care of my whole self.

Secret pleasure: it won’t be a secret if I tell you 😘

What is in your backpack? Wet wipes, lipgloss, gum, had sanitizer, the Bible and my phone

What impact do you want to leave on the world?Joy, love and hope. 

If you had 4 legs & you were furry, what would you be?  A pug

Stuck on an island, 3 things I’d want? Another 3 people to keep me company. Lol. We’ll figure the rest out!