Emily Hogan

Certified & Registered Yoga Teacher

Yoga found me 20 years ago at the ripe age of 15.

I stumbled upon it in a gym and noticed many older students in the class, including to my surprise, my great uncle and aunt in their 70s at the time.

I was like most teenagers, fumbling around in my body and uncomfortable in my own skin. I had terrible headaches and fatigue every afternoon and somehow this very unusual practice of yoga cured both. It was unlike any sport I had played (and I was an athlete in many). I was amazed at the transformative power yoga had on my whole body, especially my headaches and energy level. After that first savasana I was hooked.

Throughout the rest of school and into college I continued practicing yoga. I finally found Inner Bliss Yoga after college when I moved back home and became a regular yoga student there. During this time, through some career changes I also became a school art teacher. Being familiar in the classroom ultimately gave me the courage to try out being a yoga teacher.

I completed my 200 hour YTT with Marni Task in May of 2016 in Jivasara Yoga, which is Marni’s blend of Anusara yoga and Jivamukti yoga.

My classes are a blend of all the kinds of yoga I’ve been exposed to. I tend to teach to how I practice which gives it a unique feel. I focus on breath movement and intention (which are the principles in Jivamukti yoga). My yoga practice is a personal practice but one in which I have made available to my students through my teaching. My yoga teaching is truly a creative expression and along with my music it is now my creative artistic outlet. It truly is my favorite place to be.

The best thing about yoga is… its power to transform your mood, mind and body

Without yoga… I wouldn’t be as mentally or physically strong

What makes you come alive? Being around my tribe of like-minded yogis! Also music

3 Words to describe your teaching style? powerful, balanced and creative

If I weren't a yoga teacher, my other dream job would be… This is my dream job - as they say, living the dream!

What is in your backpack (same as purse): Everything. Always be prepared for anything. I carry a big purse!

The best time of day is… the morning! I definitely am a morning person!

I heart Cleveland because… It is my hometown. It’s where I grew up. It’s a bit gritty, and old school but also inventive and new.

Locally you might find me… Walking in any of the local metroparks, getting a coffee or picking
up some treats at Whole Foods

What impact do you want to leave on the world? I’d like my impact on the world to show others it’s ok to be different even if it’s not the path most might take. It’s awesome to be unique and quirky!