Julia DiMarco

Certified & Registered Yoga Teacher

My yoga journey stemmed from me following in my older brother's footsteps. I originally thought of yoga as a workout before realizing the impact it had on me physically, mentally, and emotionally. Yoga has provided a safe space for me to ground myself into the present moment and intentionally breathe with my movement. Yoga has seeped into my life off the mat and has created beautiful experiences, friendships, and overall growth. My yoga journey led me to get my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Certification with Yoga School Institute and my heart continues to grow every time I teach or practice. Yoga will be forever embedded into who I am and what I stand for.

Why yoga? Yoga is everything to me. The way I live my life, the people I surround myself with, the things that bring me joy. The only thing that can bring me back to my center when everything seems to be going wild is yoga, whether that just means connecting back to my breath, doing an entire flow, or lying in savasnsa.

What makes you come alive? My friends and family! The people in my life hold so much space in my heart. I truly have the most supportive, loving, and caring people surrounding me.

3 words to describe your teaching style: Genuine, Personable, Energetic.

Life before yoga: I was so young when I found yoga it's hard to think about what my life was like beforehand! I did not have a way to escape the outside world and give my mind freedom from everything else. I was a chaotic teenager who craved the feeling of peace and security; and that's exactly what yoga gave me.

Life after yoga: Yoga became my therapy very quickly. It became the entity I turned to when I needed an escape and to return home to myself. It made my life have more meaning because I was able to slow down and enjoy the present moment. My life after yoga has allowed me to be the most authentic version of myself.

Secret pleasure: Reality TV shows (Especially The Bachelor)

What is in your backpack:

  • Crystals / mala beads

  • Journal and colored pens

  • Laptop

  • Reusable plastic utensils

  • Headphones

What impact do you want to leave on the world: If every encounter I have brings someone just a little bit of happiness, clarity, lightness, or peace that is the greatest impact I could ask for.

If you had 4 legs & you were furry, what would you be? A dog! If I could be my dog and switch lives with her right now I think I would

You are stuck on an island and can bring 3 things. What would they be?

  • My water bottle

  • Bug spray

  • Journal/pen