Kate Lowery

My mom joined me for my first yoga class (we still practice together often!) at a local gym 10 or so years ago. I really didn’t enjoy yoga at first - it was hard and I was convinced that I wasn’t strong or flexible enough to ever be a “good” yogi. Despite my frustration, something kept me coming back to my mat. It didn’t take me long to realize that there is a lot more to yoga than just being able to touch your toes. This practice takes patience, consistency and a willingness to open your heart. Yoga works- you just have to be willing to give it a chance.

My decision to become a yoga teacher was not only fueled by my love for the practice, but also my love for teaching and fascination with how the body works. I have a background in early childhood education as well as physical therapy. I currently work full-time as a Physical Therapist Assistant at a local pediatric outpatient clinic. I completed my 200 hr yoga teacher training with Inner Bliss Yoga Studio in February 2018. Since then, I have had the opportunity to assist several classes per week at IBY which has only solidified my belief that this community is unlike any other. I am so grateful to be a part of it all.

Why Yoga?

It takes you out of your mind and into your body. It encourages you to practice being present in a modern world filled with constant and countless distractions.

Life Before Yoga: comfortable, stationary

Life After Yoga: fluid with more willingness to step outside of my comfort zone

3 Words to describe your teaching style: intentional, fluid, balanced

What makes you come alive? Belting out one of my favorite songs, live music, sunshine, yoga, a good cup of coffee

The best time of day is... when the sun has set on a busy day and you find a big, huge exhale that invites you to slow down and settle in.

Secret Pleasure: I’m a sucker for binge watching a good TV series.

Locally you may find me... Cleveland Vegan, RR Starbucks, Lakewood Park

If you had 4 legs and were furry, what would you be? My cat Kevin. He is very loved and takes at least 17 naps a day. He’s truly living the dream.

You are stuck on a deserted island and can bring 3 things. What would they be?

1. My husband (I’d love for Kev to join us, but he’s not a fan of being outdoors)
2. Sunscreen
3. My yoga mat