Katie Brown

Certified and Registered Yoga Teacher

Yoga finds us at the time we need it most. It's like a dear friend that meets you with wide open arms.

I took my first yoga class searching for some relief from years of sports injuries that left my body feeling worn out and tired. I left the class that first night and have never felt so grateful that yoga found me. The physical practice makes me feel strong, balanced and connected.

But what keeps me coming back over and over are the way it has followed me off my mat. The awareness, the forgiveness, the acceptance, the stillness and the healing. Yoga truly meets us exactly where we are.

My love for this practice led me to pursue my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Certification with Inner Bliss Yoga Studio. My teachers, my students, my family and friends are a constant source support and growth for me. Yoga is the connector of all things. It just starts with an open heart and little bit of hope.

Why yoga?  
Yoga is the exhale. Yoga allows the space we need to let go of what is weighing us down, what is no longer serving us, what clouds our path if we are willing to trust the exhale. Yoga shows us what balance looks like both on and off our mats. We are so good a filling up, doing, fixing, racing the clock, filling our schedules that we miss the goodness of stillness, quiet and all of the spaces in between.  

What makes you come alive?
Sun on my face, windows down, feet in sand, my family and friends, making playlists, hot yoga, a great book that I stay up all night to read. 

3 words to describe your teaching style: 
Powerful, Encouraging, Balanced

Life before yoga:
Worried and unsure

Life After yoga:
Aware and empowered

Secret pleasure:
Gina's Lemon Dressing, I put it on everything!  
(You can get it at Gina's Pizza in Bay Village)

What is in your backpack:
Tate's Lip Balm, Ray Ban's, wallet, my phone with all my playlists, keys, a Tide Pen, gum, notebook and pens, a book (Silent Power), an Almond and Coconut Kind Bar, China Gel and Indu Lotion, a toothbrush and toothpaste :)

What impact do you want to leave on the world:
Trust yourself! We already have the answers to all our questions. I would love for all beings to feel empowered to listen to their intuition and go for it.  Be brave and believe in yourself and follow your own rhythm!  

If you had 4 legs & you were furry, what would you be?
A Bunny.  They are such a great reminder to listen and observe, to respond instead of react.  dPlus they are really cute

You are stuck on an island and can bring 3 things. What would they be?
Sunscreen, Music and my Cleveland Indians hat!