Kim Rush

Certified & Registered Yoga Teacher

Yoga challenges me, softens me, teaches me, moves me, awakens me, and strengthens me. As a music lover, writer and avid reader, I love this form of creative expression and feel privileged to every time I get to teach it.

I came to the mat for the first time to complement the other sports in my life – running, cycling, and swimming. Looking for something soothing and soft to balance all of this hard work and my “go-go- go” mindset, I discovered yoga and immediately fell in love.

Why yoga? The studio is my second home. Walking up the stairs, smelling the incense, hearing the stairs creak, finding my spot, and falling into my mat. There’s no place I’d rather be. Silence and stillness is my best teacher.

What makes you come alive? The chatter and play of my kids (twin boys Carter and Kyle), running and biking, being outside, the silence of the first snowfall, dancing, driving fast (I have 6 points on my license...eek!), the anticipation of something good to come, music, music, and music.

Three words to describe your teaching style?
Encouraging, motivating, and contemplative.

Life before yoga? Hurried, unforgiving, willingly chaotic.

Life After yoga? Healthier in mind, body, and spirit. Whole. Motivated.

Secret pleasure? An ice cold Coke Zero after a run. I know....such a horrible habit, but oh so

What is in your backpack (same as purse):
Wallet, Carmax (I think I might have a slight chapstick addiction), receipts, pens, pencils (so my kids can do their homework in the car), gum, and an opened, partially spilled bag of Skittles.

What impact do you want to leave on the world?
Such a big question. I’d like to simply live each day to the fullest, leave the world a little better than I found it, and try to do the right thing every day. My most important job: being the best mom and role model to my boys. I’d also like to laugh a lot.

If you had 4 legs & you were furry, what would you be? A chinchilla.

You are stuck on an island and can bring 3 things. What would they be?
1. My kids
2. My dog, Molly
3. Books TIED with Carmax (see aforementioned chapstick addiction!)