Megan Wotsch

Certified & Registered Yoga Teacher

My journey with yoga began in 2002 when I followed a friend to a yoga class in Michigan. I had no idea what I was getting into, or even if I enjoyed the first class, but after a few months of intermittent attendance I found myself back on my mat almost every day for the next year and a half.

When I moved back to Cleveland I found Tammy and all the beautiful people that make Inner Bliss a special place to lay my mat, and I have been here ever since!

In 2008, I traveled to Mt. Madonna in Santa Cruz, CA to attend a 200-hour YTT program to grow in my practice. This practice has enriched my life in all facets: mind, body & spirit. Meditation on breath and movement has opened my awareness to unhelpful thoughts, beliefs, emotions and behaviors while gaining strength and flexibility!  Redirecting energy wasted on unhealthy habits allowed me to focus more on what fills me up--faith, purpose, family, & community.

Why yoga? It's a great practice that everyone is able to do! Through breath and movement you build awareness of unhelpful thoughts, beliefs, emotions and behaviors while gaining strength and flexibility! Redirecting energy wasted on unhealthy habits allows you to focus more on what fills you up--faith, purpose, family, & community (or whatever it is that fills you!). 

What makes you come alive? Love! Everything good comes out of Love. God and Love are synonymous to me, and is unparalleled when experienced and witnessed. 

3 words to describe your teaching style: Focused, challenging & intuitive

Life before yoga: Blurry

Life After yoga: Fuller & clearer in all aspects

Secret pleasure: I'm not sure how secret it is, but I love any time with my husband, watching my kids play together, early morning jogs, salty and sweet, & besties! 

What is in your backpack: Only stuff for the glamorous: baby wipes & diapers, change of clothes for each kid, snacks, chapstick, pens (a ridiculous amount), a journal (rarely written in), hand lotion, hand sanitizer, & essential oils. Outside of the obvious need for diapers and wipes, I'm not sure what I am prepared for!? I think all the diaper changing has me wishing for cleaner hands, better smells, and a chance to write my book on the joys of motherhood 😄.

What impact do you want to leave on the world: I just want to feel that I served my purpose and the people I came in touch with felt kindness and love. 

If you had 4 legs & you were furry, what would you be? I don't know, but I'm pretty sure I would want to be domesticated so I could have a warm cozy bed, food and someone to love. 

You are stuck on an island and can bring 3 things. What would they be? Sunscreen, reading material & my genie in a bottle, of course!